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Primal Weapons and Makeshifts Will Disappear from Fortnite Season 7

After all the speculation among fans, Epic Games confirmed that Primal and Makeshift weapons will be leaving Fortnite in Chapter 2, Season 7.

Earlier this year, Epic Games gave Fortnite some much-needed fresh air with the addition of a new crafting mechanic. Players will be able to use materials taken from mechanical devices and wildlife to craft Primal and Mechanical weapons.

Primal Weapons and Makeshifts Will Disappear from Fortnite Season 7

These weapons are upgraded versions of the new emergency weapons and they can even be upgraded yourself to a higher level using food ingredients.

Mechanical Weapons in Fortnite do give players less power compared to other weapons but, provide higher accuracy. Meanwhile Primal weapons increase the damage dealt, but reduce accuracy.

Now that Season 6 is coming to a close, it seems that the Primal theme will also be leaving the game as it has been announced that Primal and Makeshift weapons will no longer be in Fortnite.

Meanwhile, the latest season of Fortnite is still quite mysterious. Fans at least know that the Pulsar 9000 weapon from the Save the World game mode is coming to this battle royale thanks to a Season 7 teaser posted on social media.

So far, other mysterious weapons such as gravity guns and a type of plasma gun have also appeared in the teaser Chapter 2 Season 7.

Although no one has confirmed this yet, there are many clues that suggest that Fortnite will carry an Alien or Space theme.

That's a little information about the game fortnite. Don't forget to read other interesting articles from because there is a lot of interesting information that you can find here.

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