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[Rumor] Edith Gets the Next Anime Skin in Mobile Legends

After Moonton presented the first Anime Skin in Mobile Legends for Hero Fanny and Layla, it looks like they will be presenting an Anime Skin for Edith in the next update.

[Rumor] Edith Gets the Next Anime Skin in Mobile Legends

There is a leak of Edith's appearance with the Skin Anime Squad 'The Aspirant' in Mobile Legends. However, we can't confirm the truth of the leak, aka it's still just a rumor, right.

The reason is, there is no definite statement from the leaker whether Moonton will really present the skin next. And again, the image is in the form of Splash Art that could have been made by a Hero Edith fan. It is not yet known whether the Splash Art actually belongs to Moonton or is just a fan-made one.

Let's take a closer look at the appearance of Edith's Anime Skin named 'Raika No Raijin'. If it is indeed present, then Edith will be one of the teams from the Squad 'The Aspirer' in Mobile Legends.

Edith with her Armor Phylax, looks very different from her original appearance when using this skin. Phylax will get a new Armor with blue energy on his arm. While Phylax, his hair color will be changed to blue. This will greatly adjust to the lightning energy that can be issued. Phylax also seemed to be wearing very cute clothes with a more relaxed theme. There is a butterfly ribbon that will be an accessory on her clothes.

That's the information regarding the Edith anime skin rumors. Don't forget to always visit the site because there are many interesting articles that you can read.

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